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August 10, 2018

From the desk of Capt. Jeff Monroe, MM, AMPE

International Association of Maritime and Port Executives

July 31, 2018: Federal Register

Inland Waterways Users Board; Request for Nominations

The Department of the Army is publishing this notice to request nominations to serve as representatives on the Inland Waterways Users Board, sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Section 302 of Public Law 99-662 established the Inland Waterways Users Board. The Board is an independent Federal advisory committee. The Secretary of the Army appoints its 11 (eleven) representative organizations. This notice is to solicit nominations for seven (7) appointments for terms that will begin by May 28, 2019.


Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Mr. Mark R. Pointon, Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the Inland Waterways Users Board, CEIWR-GM, 7701 Telegraph Road, Casey Building, Alexandria, VA 22315-3868; by telephone at 703-428-6438; and by email at

Selection. Representative organizations are to be selected from the spectrum of commercial carriers and shippers using the inland and intracoastal waterways, to represent geographical regions, and to be representative of waterborne commerce as determined by commodity ton-miles and tonnage statistics.

Service. The Board is required to meet at least semi-annually to develop and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Army on waterways construction and major rehabilitation priorities and spending levels for commercial navigation improvements and report its recommendations annually to the Secretary and Congress.

Deadline for nominations is September 15, 2018. nominations?utm_campaign=subscription%20mailing%20list&


Aimee Andres, AMPE, Executive Director, Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals, Inc. One Confluence Way, East Alton, IL 62024, Phone (618) 468-3010

Rediscover the strength of America’s Inland Rivers-The IRPT, an IAMPE Education Partner.


We have a few seats left for the MPE program in New London, September 10 to 14.

If you wish to register and receive hotel and travel information, contact Registration closes Friday August 31st.

Many of you have been at programs and heard my presentations, if you took a seminar with me, I am sure you know someone in your organization or an associate who would benefit from this seminar. Please send this to them. The New London and Mystic Connecticut area offers a wide range of family activities if you want to bring family.

TULSA IMPE-NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR THE INLAND PROGRAM IN TULSA, September 24 – 28, hosted in Catoosa by Oakley’s Port 33 and the IRPT. Contact


The Continuing Education program for 2018 will be held Port Tampa Bay and the Port of South Louisiana (see schedule below). The program will feature a tariff development workshop, which will be a practical workshop including tariff development and revision requirements, rates and charges, fee development, terminal issued rules and regulations, foreign trade zones, an industry update and pending new federal regulations and judicial impacts. The 2 day program offers 16 continuing education credits for the Accredited Marine Port Executive (AMPE) certification. Cost for the 2 days is $975.00 USD. Blue water program in Tampa, Brown Water in South Louisiana.

Questions about content or the Education Program and Standards?

Call Capt. Jeff Monroe, (207)741-7000 or email at

CAN’T DO THE ENTIRE PROGRAM IN ONE SHOT? You can take the management program in two phases, MPM/IMPM first two days, MPE/IMPE second two days.

Certifications come with each section, Academic Credits are awarded after completing the Executive Management Program. We recommend doing the 36 hour program before taking Continuing Education because that 16 hour program builds on the content of the Executive Management Program


Sept 10 - 14: New London, Connecticut (MPE) Host CTPA

Sept 24-28: Catoosa / Tulsa, OK (IMPE) Oakley’s Port 33-IRPT

Oct 15 - 16: Tampa (Continuing Education) Host Port Tampa Bay

Oct 17 - 18: Louisiana (Continuing Education) Host POSLA

Nov 5 - 9: Vicksburg (IMPE) Host Vicksburg, MS-IRPT

Hosts: CTPA-Connecticut Port Authority, PortTampaBay-Tampa Florida Port Authority, POSLA-Port of South Louisiana, Port Vicksburg-Vicksburg Mississippi Port Authority. MPM-16 Hour Maritime Port Manager Program MPE-36 Hour Maritime Port Executive Program IMPE-36 Hour Inland Marine Port Executive Program Continuing Education-16 Hour Program -Accredited Marine Port Executive Certification

MTO - 16 Hour Marine Terminal Operator - Custom Sponsored and Scheduled

IAMPE may cancel or reschedule seminars if registrations are below minimum levels

To register for seminars, or additional information contact:

To register for the classes, please email For additional information:

“For A World Connected By Water”


Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe, MM, MTM, AMPE Director: Education, Standards and Training Programs International Association of Maritime and Port Executives 11 Katahdin Road. Portland, ME 04107-2828 USA Phone: (207) 741-7000, Cell: (207) 615-7989

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