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IAMPE Presents USMM Flag to Senator Susan Collins

On September 7th, the IAMPE recognized SenatorSusan Collins (R-Maine) for her continued and strong support of the port and maritime industry, the U.S. Merchant Marine (USMM), and U.S. Merchant Marine Veterans of World War II. Presenting the Merchant Marine flag to the Senator were right to left, Hon. Peter Thomas, Chairman-IAMPE Board of Directors Finance Committee; David Arnold, AMPE-IAMPE Executive Director; Senator Collins; and Capt. Jeffrey Monroe, MM, AMPE- IAMPE Director of Education. The USMM flag represents the American Merchant Marine as well as past and current merchant mariners of the United States who served, and continue to serve, a critical role in the health of the U.S. economy and U.S. national defense. During World War II, the USMM suffered a per capita casualty rate greater than any of the U.S. Armed Forces. President Roosevelt, in 1944, described the US Merchant Marine as “America’s 4th Arm of Defense and vital to the war effort.” The USMM flag given to Sen. Collins was a gift from the IAMPE, and included contributions from members of the Portland Marine Society and the Portland, Maine Propeller Club. “We are grateful for the service of our merchant mariners and the sacrifices that they, and their families, have made to promote the health and prosperity of our country,” said Capt. Monroe, a retired merchant mariner. “It was appropriate to honor Senator Collins who has been a steadfast supporter of our ports, port security, professional mariners, and our US Merchant Marine veterans.”


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