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AAPA & IAMPE Sign Agreement Expanding Port Workforce Development

Pictured Captain Jeff Monroe, IAMPE Director of Education, and Mary Beth Long, AAPA Vice President of Marketing and Workforce Development

Washington, DC) – The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA)—the unified voice of seaports in the Americas—and the International Association of Maritime and Port Executives (IAMPE) – the global organization dedicated to developing and maintaining professional standards in the maritime community – ceremoniously sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (add link to mou?)that strengthens their collaborative efforts in creating an industry standard for continuing education for port professionals, during AAPA’s Marine Terminal Management Training program in Miami, Fla., June 28, 2021. The MOU was officially signed in November 2020. (add link to the original press release)

Both AAPA and IAMPE have in place professional development programs based on a well- established and highly regarded training framework. Each association’s programs provide port and marine transportation personnel with a credential documenting successful conclusion of their training coursework. This MOU mutually recognizes each organization’s program as meeting the highest of professional standards and acknowledges each other’s credential under a single standard for certification.

“Both AAPA and IAMPE are dedicated to shaping the future of port leadership, and taking this step further advances the career development opportunities for our industry,” said Chris Connor, AAPA President and CEO. “Quality, cost, and availability are major factors taken into consideration as professionals consider investing in continuing education. This collaboration of our organizations gives our members even more options to obtain a first-class educational experience that is recognized industry-wide.”

Information about AAPA’s professional development programs, including its Port Professional Manager (PPM®) certification and Industry Recognized Port Certificate (IRPC®), is available at Information about IAMPE’s professional development courses of study, including its Maritime Port Management ™, Maritime Port Executive ™, Inland Port Manager/Executive ™ and Accredited Marine Port Executive ™ programs, is available at

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