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August 29, 2016

From the Desk of Capt. Jeff Monroe


The IAMPE is pleased to announce the latest in our professional development programs. The new Inland Port Manager (IPM) and Inland Marine Port Manager (IMPE) are equivalent to the current Blue Water programs but with specific information related to the Inland Rivers and Port industry. The program was developed with the support and guidance of the Inland Rivers and Port Association and their Education Committee.

The initial seminar offering will take place October 31st to November 4th at the Lange-Stegmann Company Training Conference Center, 1 Angelica Street, St. Louis, MO.

The program is an immersion style seminar program covering 36 total hours and 22 sessions for the IMPE Certification. For those with time constraints, the program can be taken in two segments, beginning with the IPM (Inland Port Manager) segment and then the second segment taken at another time and location in 2017. Cost for both segments is $1,000 ($2,000 total for the entire week). IRPT members are given a 10% discount on the entire program. Registration is now open. Maximum participants: 20. 2017-2018 programs will be located in different geographic areas in the Mid-West.


The Association last New England seminar for 2016-2017 will be offered next month in Portland. Seminars will be offered in the future at host ports, working with local trade and port associations. The membership feedback has been to take the seminars to them. This includes the Southeast U.S., Gulf of Mexico, West Coast, Mid-Atlantic and regions of Canada and the Caribbean. On another note, Capt. Jeff Monroe will only be doing future port executive seminars through the IAMPE and its affiliates. Those services will no longer be provided through commercial entities. Please contact John Gleason, Registrar at or call (207)200-2420. We close registration 2 weeks before the seminar date begins. Only 5 slots left.

MPM-MPE, Portland, Maine: September 26 to September 30

Continuing Education Seminar: Portland, ME Oct 11-Oct 13

16 Credits toward AMPE. Program includes industry update, judicial actions and tariff issues, business develop and the logistics model, federal grant funding, port resiliency in addressing potential disasters and interruption of business. Registration closes Oct. 1st. Cost: $$900.00 USD for both days. Maximum number 20.

Applications are available from John Gleason, IAMPE Registrar at or by calling 207-200-2420.

Inland Port Manager (2 Days, 16 Hours) $1,000 USD

Inland Marine Port Executive (2.5 Days-20 Hours) $1,000 USD

Marine Port Management (2 Days-16 hours) $1,000 USD

Marine Port Executive (2.5 days-20 hours) $1,000 USD

Continuing Education (2 days, 16 hours) $ 900 USD

Why IAMPE Seminars are best for port professionals:

  1. Lowest cost, highest quality program.

  2. Ongoing free support to seminar participants after the program

  3. Recognized industry wide professional certification.

  4. Recognized by the Loeb-Sullivan Graduate School at Maine Maritime Academy for academic credit.

  5. Continuing education credits for other professional certifications.

  6. Free membership to seminar participants in the IAMPE (first year) with full access to our electronic library.

  7. Standards set by the 22 member board of port and industry professionals who monitor and maintain professional standards for the seminars and organization.

  8. Only organization offering an accredited certification to industry professionals.

  9. Over 1,000 port executives, military officers, and terminal managers certified from the Western Hemisphere, Europe and Asia.

Wishing all of you a great fall.

Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe, MM, MTM, AMPE Director: Education, Standards and Training Programs International Association of Maritime and Port Executives 11 Katahdin Road. Portland, ME 04107-2828 USA Phone: (207) 741-7000, Cell: (207) 615-7989

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