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March 3, 2017

From the Desk of Capt. Jeff Monroe


This April, IRPT will host its 2017 Annual Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. This year's conference will include nearly 13 hours of conference content with professional development hours offered and nearly 8 hours of networking. If you are interested in attending or securing your exhibit space or would like to participate as a sponsor at the Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals 2017 Annual Conference, contact Aimee Andres at 618-468-3010 for further information.


As you all know, operations, strategic planning and growth depend heavily on you and the support you receive from your Port Board Commission and/or Directors, depending on your structure. With proper planning, management and governance, you have the tools for success and growth for your port, your tenants and your communities. Because you are an economic engine, a public asset and utility, it is important you have the tools necessary to achieve the expectations upon you. One of those tools includes the support you receive from your Port Board. Many of you are wearing multiple hats on a daily basis. You are the Administration and Business Development department. You are the Property Management and Public Relations department. You are the Marketing and Communications department. Because you are pulled in so many directions, it is even more crucial that your Directors/Commissioners are supporting you. A SPECIAL COMMISSIONER’S SEMIANR WILL RUN from 8am to 11:30 am on Tuesday, April 25, at the IRPT Annual Conference.

About the Commissioner’s Tract: The International Association of Marine Port Executives (IAMPE) will hold a Commissioner’s and Board Members program to orient the member of a sitting policy making body to the current trends in the public and private port sector. The 4-hour program focuses on current trends in the industry as well as the duties and responsibilities of commission/board members and their staffs. If you are looking for scholarship assistance, please let me know. Contact for information and registration: Aimee Andres, IMPE Executive Director, Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals, Inc., One Confluence Way, East Alton, IL 62024 Phone (618) 468-3010

Rediscover the strength of America’s Inland Rivers


We are pleased to announce that the Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the IAMPE for training services, membership and educational discounts for their members. We welcome the AAHPA as our latest educational partner along with Maine Maritime Academy, the Inland Rivers Port and Terminal Association and the Houston Port Bureau.

Wishing you all a very happy and warm spring.

Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe, MM, MTM, AMPE Director: Education, Standards and Training Programs International Association of Maritime and Port Executives 11 Katahdin Road. Portland, ME 04107-2828 USA Phone: (207) 741-7000, Cell: (207) 615-7989

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