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April 24, 2018

From the desk of Capt. Jeff Monroe, MM, AMPE

International Association of Maritime and Port Executives


The International Association of Maritime and Port Executives (IAMPE) is pleased to announce that Port Tampa Bay has been selected as the Port Executive Management Center for the State of Florida. The Port will host advanced educational and training for port executives at the State’s seaports as well as from other ports throughout the Gulf of Mexico. The new center joins centers at the Loeb-Sullivan School at Maine Maritime Academy and the Maine Port Authority (Port of Portland) for providing programs for advanced executive management education and certification.

“We are very pleased with our association with the IAMPE,” said Paul Anderson, CEO and Executive Director of Port Tampa Bay. “We look forward to these educational opportunities as well as working with other educational institutions and ports to further enhance the professionalism of our respective staffs.” “The IAMPE welcomes this opportunity to work with the outstanding port team in Tampa to provide professional development to port professionals,” said Capt. Jeff Monroe, MM, AMPE, Director of Educational Programs and Standards for the Association.” The outstanding facilities and central location in this fast growing port will allow us to continue preparing the existing and future generations for key positions in the port industry.”

In addition to geographic centers, the IAMPE generally runs programs hosted by public and private port organizations throughout North America. The IAMPE is a non-profit educational institution that runs management seminars and provides professional certification to port and maritime managers in seaports and river ports. Programs are reviewed and approved for certification by the Associations Board, comprised of over 20 industry professionals. In addition to the Centers in Maine and now Tampa, educational partners include the Loeb-Sullivan Graduate School of International Business and Logistics at Maine Maritime Academy, who provides academic graduate level course credits, as well as the Connecticut Port Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Georgia Ports Authority, North Atlantic Ports Association, Port of Alaska, Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators, Houston Port Bureau, the Inland Rivers Port and Terminals Association and HDR Engineering. The IAMPE has educated and certified port professionals in most of the ports of the State and have over 2,000 alumni and members. The Association will use existing facilities in the Port of Tampa and provide research support, continuing education and other support consistent with its mission.

PORT JOBS If you have a position to post or are looking, let us know. Service is free to all members and resumes are kept confidential.

LOOKING-Contact for further information/data.

L1001-Experienced maritime professional, vessel manager, licensed Master Mariner, insurance and risk assessment experience. Located in New England. U.S. citizen.

L1002-Port planner, experienced in government processes, Maritime Port Executive. Located in Southeast. U.S. citizen. Location flexibility.

L1003-Port Management Professional, experienced in port development and management. Location: US Gulf Coast. MPE Certified.


The Continuing Education program for 2018 which will be held in Portland (OR), Port Tampa Bay and the Port of South Louisiana (see schedule below), will feature a tariff a practical workshop including tariff development and revision requirements, rates and charges, fee development, terminal issued rules and regulations, foreign trade zones, an industry update and pending new federal regulations and judicial impacts. The 2 day program offers 16 continuing education credits for the Accredited Marine Port Executive (AMPE) certification. Cost for the 2 days is $975.00 USD.

MPE New York and Connecticut

The MPM-MPE program this May will be held at the New York Shipping Association Training Center located at 1210 Corbin St., Elizabeth, NJ 07114 May 14-18. Deadline for NY/NJ Registration is Wednesday May 9th. For hotel and seminar schedule information contact

Questions about content or the Education Program and Standards?

Call Capt. Jeff Monroe, (207)741-7000 or email at

CAN’T DO THE ENTIRE PROGRAM IN ONE SHOT? You can take the management program in two phases, MPM/IMPM first two days, MPE/IMPE second two days.

Certifications come with each section, Academic Credits are awarded after completing the Executive Management Program. We recommend doing the 36 hour program before taking Continuing Education because that 16 hour program builds on the content of the Executive Management Program


May 14 - 18: New York-New Jersey (MPE) Host PANYNJ

June 6 - 7: Portland, OR (Continuing Education) Host HDR

June 18 - 22: Milwaukee, WI (IMPE) Host MPA-IRPT

Sept 10 - 14: Connecticut (MPE) Host CTPA

Sept 24 - 28: Tulsa (IMPE) Host Port Tulsa

Oct 15 - 16: Tampa (Continuing Education) Host Port Tampa Bay

Oct 17 - 18: Louisiana (Continuing Education) Host POSLA

Nov 5 - 9: Vicksburg (IMPE) Host Vicksburg, MS

Hosts: PANYNJ-Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, MPA-Milwaukee Port Authority, IRPT-Inland Ports and Terminals Association, Port Tulsa-Tulsa Port Authority, CTPA-Connecticut Port Authority, PortTampaBay-Tampa Florida Port Authority, POSLA-Port of South Louisiana, Port Vicksburg-Vicksburg Mississippi Port Authority. MPM-16 Hour Marine Port Manager Program MPE-36 Hour Marine Port Executive Program IMPE-36 Hour Inland Marine Port Executive Program Continuing Education-16 Hour Program -Accredited Marine Port Executive Certification

MTO - 16 Hour Marine Terminal Operator - Custom Sponsored and Scheduled

IAMPE may cancel or reschedule seminars if registrations are below minimum levels

To register for seminars, or additional information contact:

To register for the classes, please email For additional information:

“For A World Connected By Water”


Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe, MM, MTM, AMPE Director: Education, Standards and Training Programs International Association of Maritime and Port Executives 11 Katahdin Road. Portland, ME 04107-2828 USA Phone: (207) 741-7000, Cell: (207) 615-7989

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